The Prince of Egypt

The Prince of Egypt
Adventure Animation Drama Family
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Val Kilmer Steve Martin Martin Short Mel Brooks James Avery Eden Riegel Chris Marquette Ofra Haza Brian Stokes Mitchell Shira Roth Aria Noelle Curzon Jon Robert Hall Stephanie Sawyer Francesca Marie Smith Amick Byram Bobby Motown Michel Patrician Justin Timsit Andrew Johnson Linda Shayne

This is the extraordinary tale of two brothers named Moses and Ramses, one born of royal blood, and one an orphan with a secret past. Growing up the best of friends, they share a strong bond of free-spirited youth and good-natured rivalry. But the truth will ultimately set them at odds, as one becomes the ruler of the most powerful empire on earth, and the other the chosen leader of his people! Their final confrontation will forever change their lives and the world.

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